It was 100° on Saturday, but it felt a lot cooler in the shade because of a nice breeze. I drove up to Pflugerville, north of Austin, to where this old cotton gin sits next to the First Methodist Church.
Pflugerville Cotton Gin 9x12" |
When I was finished and had a bite to eat, I found I still had enough energy to try another one right away. I pointed my truck northeast and let it take me wherever it wanted to go. I ended up in Cele, Texas, which isn't a wide spot in the road, but is in fact a bend in the road. I pulled over and set up to do this quick sketch.
Cele TX barn 8x10" |
Often, I will do a screen grab of the map or the compass of my iphone when I'm painting, so I can remember exactly where I ended up. This one was at 30°26'25" N, 97°31'16"W